:: Saturday, November 30, 2002 ::

Lalalalala. Well today was a wicked boring day too. There's nothing to do! Orange Slice isn't working for me for some reason. Is it working for anyone else?
oh well. i have to go now. byes!
:: Julia G. 5:37 PM ...
:: Sunday, November 17, 2002 ::
Hello! Today has been an extremly boring day. hehe. I woke up at like 2. ooh i'm listeinin to a wicked cool song. I'ts by Something Corporate, and it's called "I Woke Up In a Car". If u wanna hear it go to digital-rock.net. That's where I'm listening to it. lol. I can't find anywhere to download it! If u have an mp3 of this song and u have aim, then do u think u could send it to me? :D. lol I really like it! well there's nm to talk about today. I haven't posted in a while. Oh yeah, I was thinking of maybe putting up an hiatus for ABO. Cause I really want to have a new layout up. And i don't think I want to use the one I'm making already. Well give me ur opinions if u want. OH!! can u guys please sign my guestbook??? It would be sooo greatly appreciated! I luv it when ppl tell me what they think about my site. hmm... maybe I'll put up a tagboard for my new layout. Well that's all for today! I'll ttyal later! byes!
:: Julia G. 6:38 PM ...
:: Saturday, October 26, 2002 ::
I haven't posted or updated, in a wicked long time. That's sad. Sorry guys. I've been wicked busy with lots o stuff. Like school. I've been making a new layout. Yeah i know, I already said i made one. But this time I actually want to use the one i'm making now. I just have to fix some of the html, and then find some time to upload it all. That might not happen for a couple weeks. Halloween can make a lot of time constraints. I'm going to a halloween party tomorrow. I can't wait! The guy that has a crush on me is goin to be there, and I kinda like him too. So that'll be cool. Then next week I'm going to another party at my best friend's house. And the guy that I like is going to be there. (I think he likes me too. But I'm not exactly sure yet.) And at school this Thursday, for Halloween, ppl always dress up. I'm not cause my costume is kinda too dressy uppy for school. But it's fun to see what crazy costumes other ppl are in. Soooo... that's what this week is going to look like. A lot of fun. I'll try to post again asap. Ttyl ppls. Byes!
:: Julia G. 2:20 AM ...
:: Saturday, September 28, 2002 ::
Ohh k. I haven't posted in awhile. I've been pretty busy with school. But in the past few days, a lot of ppl have visited ABO. Most of them coming from the Delirium Forum. So thankz a bunch u guys for visiting!
I know I don't have the new layout up yet. I don't like the Avril one as much as i did when i first made the main pic. So I also made another one too. You can see a thumbnail of the layout here. If you like it pretty pretty please tell me. You can e-mail, im, pm on the forum, or even sign my guestbook.
Another thing that I'd like to address about the development of my site is the content. A few people have told me that there isn't enough stuff here for the visitor. Heh, heh... I kinda agree with them. But... I don't really know what to add to this site cause I don't know what u ppl are looking for. So contact me somehow and tell me! It would be greatly appreciated. :D
Oh yeah, if there are any hosts looking at my site... reading this... then please consider hosting me. I really wanna get hosted. It would be awesome to get away from tripod, and gain a new friend! Sooo... check out the site. :D
:: Julia G. 1:44 AM ...
:: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 ::
Ahhhhh!!!! How could I forget to mention this... I know I just updated, but I forgot one very important thing. My other site, Over the Moon, my webgraphics site, is kinda gone i guess. But... that's ok. Because I'm going to make a new layout and even change the name. It's going to be called Ocean Wave Designs. If anyone has ever heard of another site by that name, please tell me! I need an original name ya know.
Ok, that really is all for tonight. I'll update as soon as I possibly can. Which might not be as soon as u think, but that's ok. My update will be a good one.
ttyal, Byes!
:: Julia G. 12:04 AM ...
Hey ppl! Sorry i haven't updated in sooooo long. I've been busy. And school starts soooooo sooooooon. It's horrible. Oh well. Life goes on. I'm making a new layout now. It's pretty cool. The only thing i can tell u about it right now though is that it's another Avril Lavigne one. I know, I know.... I'm obsessed! Too bad for u Avril haters.... hint, hint..... Kelly... haha lol. I don't really care if u don't like her. Everyone's intitled to their own opinions.
Sooooo..... I'm also going to be adding a new section to ABO. A buddy icon section! woo hoo! yeah! I make some good ones I think. I just hope everyone else thinks so too.
Oh yeah, please sign my guestbook!!! I don't know what everyone wants to see happening here, soooo... u gotta tell me! It really isn't that hard. Thankz again Kelly for signing it!!!
Ok... well... i guess that's all for now. I can't think of anything else to tell u ppl. Ooh, I know! I should probably mention that I'll be updating a whole lot less once school starts. And u thought I hardly update now! Sorry. You'll all live though. C'est la vie!
Okey, bye!
:: Julia G. 12:00 AM ...
:: Saturday, August 10, 2002 ::
Yea! I also uploaded some buttons that i made today. Wow, I guess I did a lot. Well for me that's a lot since I don't usually get to do much. Check em out please! & sign my guestbook too! One more thing, I just got a counter also, and it's on the main page, at the very bottom. That's all.
:: Julia G. 12:03 AM ...
:: Friday, August 09, 2002 ::
I made a huge update tonight. Today i made a lot of new avatars, like 40, and they're all smaller then my other ones. Some people might like them better. Soooo.... check 'em out! oh yeah, I got a guestbook too. it's in the sitey part of the site. please sign it! i would greatly appreciate it if u did! that's all for now. bye!
:: Julia G. 11:06 PM ...

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